Container Cofre

O data center definitivo de construção modular

The Vault Container offers unparalleled protection. Engineered to endure a wide array of threats such as fire, dust, water, smoke, gases, and beyond, it serves as the ultimate fortress for safeguarding critical data and systems. Meticulously crafted with state-of-the-art technology and constructed to the most exacting quality standards, the Vault Container guarantees unmatched security. Available in two sizes to suit various needs.

Design modular

By embracing a modular design, the Vault Container can be effortlessly adjusted and expanded. Every modular component, from the panels to the cooling system, is crafted for seamless integration. This not only simplifies the installation and configuration process but also allows for efficient scalability, enabling the Vault Container to grow alongside the company's needs.

Assemble the containers and build the perfect size data center

Our block building product offers unparalleled flexibility, capable of expanding to accommodate any required size. Whether stacking them to create expansive data centers or relocating them to various sites, our containers adapt seamlessly to your needs.

Setting Edgefy's Containers apart is their integration within a block-building system, facilitating effortless scalability without the constraints of shell construction. This modular design not only ensures versatility and efficiency but also supports specialized and customized configurations tailored to your specific requirements.

Minimizando o TCO e TTM

The Vault Container's modular design allows for seamless and scalable expansion, eliminating the necessity for hefty initial investments in oversized infrastructure, thus reducing TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). Furthermore, modularity facilitates swift implementation, streamlining the installation process and cutting down TTM (Time to Market).



de redução no TTM



de redução no TCO


The Vault Container is pre-fabricated, offering an easy and clean setup on-site with minimal site preparation. Its pre-fabricated design allows for swift installation, reducing downtime and disruptions to ongoing operations. With components precisely engineered off-site, the Vault Container ensures consistency and quality in construction, while also minimizing the need for extensive on-site assembly. This streamlined setup process not only saves time but also reduces costs associated with traditional construction methods. Overall, the pre-fabricated nature of the Vault Container enables efficient deployment, making it an ideal solution for businesses seeking rapid implementation without compromising on security or reliability.

Proteção certificada


ABNT NBR 15247

Qualidade garantida


EN 1047-2

Qualidade garantida

The Vault Container offers unparalleled protection, engineered to endure a wide array of threats such as fire, dust, water, smoke, gases, and beyond, in accordance with standards 15.247 and EN 1047-2. These certifications ensure that the data center can withstand diverse threats, meeting rigorous requirements and guaranteeing unmatched security. Meticulously crafted with state-of-the-art technology and constructed to the most exacting quality standards, the Vault Container serves as the ultimate fortress for safeguarding critical data and systems, ensuring integrity and availability.

Proteção contra diversas ameaças

Addressing each risk vector individually is crucial to ensure comprehensive protection. It's important to assess the level of security provided by the Vault Room.


Proteção contra chamas + rescaldo - 900 minutos


Categoria de proteção IP x7


Categoria de proteção IP 6x


Não excede 75°C


Não excede 85%

Acesso não autorizado:

Classe de resistência RC4

Gases corrosívos:

Proteção total


Teste de detonação com 100kg de TNT

Água de extinção:

Proteção total


EN 50147
1 GHz
23 - 57 dB

Detritos em queda:

Proteção total -
energia de impacto de
3,000 Nm


Nível IIA

Nossos serviços

A Edgefy atua em todas as etapas do processo, desde a avaliação da melhor solução para o cliente até a realização de análises de risco e avaliações das instalações, passando pela fabricação, montagem, instalação e garantia do produto final.

Análise de riscos

Análise de instalações

Projeto e planejamento

Implantação e ativação

Certificações necessárias


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