7 Data Center Trends Shaping the Next Era

Unveiling the trends driving the future of data centers: innovation, efficiency, and sustainability.

The continuous evolution of the data center industry reflects the growing need to meet the demands for capacity, efficiency, and innovationIn this dynamic landscape, seven specific trends emerge as driving forces that will shape the future of digital infrastructure.

1. Edge Computing

Edge Data Centers represent a true revolution in today’s technological landscape. More than just data processing centers, these facilities play a crucial strategic role in global interconnection.

By being closer to the data sources or final usage points, they significantly reduce data transmission and reception times , promoting faster and more efficient information transfer. This architecture is transforming how data is processed and distributed, driving the era of instant and reliable connectivity

With the rise of IoT (Internet of Things) devices and the growth of applications demanding low latency, it has become imperative to adopt data centers closer to the end users

Building edge data centers significantly enhances application performance decentralizing IT infrastructure and shaping the future of data centers, providing a faster and more efficient user experience. The lower the latency, the quicker the response between devices, which is crucial for efficient and high-performance digital communications

2. Sustainability and Energy Efficiency

As the climate crisis becomes a global priority, the demand for more sustainable data centers is rising. A focus on energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources, and the adoption of cooling technologies is gaining prominence in the industry

These initiatives not only reduce the environmental impact of data centers but also promote resource savings and responsible energy use. By adopting sustainable practices, companies can meet growing environmental demands while achieving long-term economic benefits, positioning themselves as leaders in corporate responsibility.

3. Modular Data Centers

The adoption of modular approaches in data center construction provides companies with remarkable flexibility and scalability. Through prefabricated modules, it is possible to add computing capacity as demand increases, resulting in rapid expansion and shorter implementation times. Moreover, this strategy enables a more efficient allocation of resources, significantly contributing to the of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

Given this combination of flexibility and efficiency, modular data centers emerge as a highly attractive option for companies seeking to respond swiftly and cost-effectively to the dynamic demands of business activities

4. Liquid Cooling

Cooling efficiency is essential to PUE of data centers. Recently, liquid cooling solutions, such as immersion cooling techniques, have gained attention for their superior heat dissipation capabilities compared to traditional cooling methods. These innovations represent a significant advancement in the thermal management of data centers, providing greater energy efficiency and reducing the impact on electrical grid energy consumption.

5. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation is transforming data center management and operations. These technologies are applied in resource optimization, failure prediction, automation of repetitive tasks, and real-time monitoring, resulting in significant improvements in operational efficiency. This advanced approach not only reduces costs and increases reliability but also enables quicker responses to potential issues, ensuring a more resilient and adaptable data center environment for continuous development and growth.

6. 5G and Advanced Connectivity

The advancement of 5G technology is driving the demand for data centers capable of processing data with high bandwidth—essentially, the ability of a network connection to transmit a large amount of data in a short time.

The greater the bandwidth, the more data can be transmitted simultaneously, resulting in a faster and more efficient connection. This capability is essential for supporting activities that require heavy data traffic, such as video streaming, video conferencing, online gaming, and large file transfers.

Beyond bandwidth, reduced latency is also a consumer demand, as it represents the time a data packet takes to travel through a network. Lower latency means faster data transmission, while higher latency indicates a delay in transmission.

Low latency is crucial for real-time applications like video calls, autonomous vehicles, and live broadcasts. Thus, reducing latency is fundamental to improving user experience and network communication efficiency.

The 5G system essentially relies on high bandwidth and low latency to provide faster and more stable connections through data centers capable of supporting a more robust and efficient network infrastructure.

7. Regulations and Regulatory Standards

Compliance with data security regulations and industry standards is becoming increasingly prevalent in the construction of data centers. This trend aims to ensure the protection and integrity of stored data, meeting legal and information security requirements.

In Brazil, data security regulations are primarily established by the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), which came into force in September 2020. The LGPD sets guidelines and requirements for the handling of personal data by public and private organizations and establishes fundamental principles for data protection, such as transparency, purpose, adequacy, necessity, free access, and security.

In addition to the LGPD, specific sectors may have additional data regulations, such as the financial and healthcare sectors, which are regulated by Complementary Law 105/2001 (Bank Secrecy) and Law 13.709/2018 (Personal Data Protection Law), respectively

Non-compliance with data security regulations can result in significant penalties for organizations, including fines and administrative sanctions.

These trends are reshaping the data center landscape, requiring continuous adaptation and innovation by companies to to keep pace with the rapidly changing digital industry.


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Block building, modular, alta capacidade de processamento, escalável, infraestrutura de energia eficiente

Certificação NBR/ABNT 10636

O novo data center modular do SERPRO (Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados) possui certificação conforme a norma NBR/ABNT 10636, atendendo aos critérios estabelecidos para garantir um ambiente protegido contra diversos riscos.

Tier III

Além de uma infraestrutura física robusta e resiliente, o Data Center possui certificação Tier III pelo Uptime Institute. Dessa forma é possível realizar manutenções concorrentes sem impactar no serviço para garantir a disponibilidade.

Edgefy: Case SERPRO: usina de geradores

PUE 1,4

O data center modular do SERPRO tem um PUE de 1,4 que é altamente eficiente, consumindo apenas 40% da energia total para operações de suporte, como climatização. Esse desempenho reflete um design otimizado e sustentável, garantindo economia e alta performance operacional.

Edgefy: Data center modular SERPRO: Tela de gestão do ar-condicionado

Planta baixa simplificada

O data center modular do SERPRO é formado por múltiplos containers e oferece uma infraestrutura completa e segmentada, garantindo eficiência e segurança. Com áreas separadas para front desk, NOC (Centro de Operações de Rede), data halls, salas elétricas, e uma usina de geradores, ele permite maior controle e gestão operacional. Essa estrutura modular também proporciona escalabilidade, permitindo que novos containers sejam integrados conforme a demanda cresce, além de oferecer alta resiliência por meio da segregação de sistemas críticos e operacionais.

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