Infraestrutura de TI: Garantindo o desempenho ideal dos data centers

A infraestrutura de TI de um data center é a base fundamental para sua disponibilidade ininterrupta. Para garantir isso, é essencial planejamento meticuloso e uma execução impecável, sob medida para atender às suas funções específicas e requisitos pré-definidos.

Given their multifaceted operations, data centers demand a resilient infrastructure that integrates various hardware, software, and networking components seamlessly. Among these, power and cooling systems stand out as critical elements essential for maintaining server efficiency and preventing overheating occurrences. Consequently, the importance of meticulously designing and consistently maintaining such infrastructure must be emphasized.

Moreover, the design and implementation of a data center's infrastructure must also prioritize energy efficiency and sustainability.

By prioritizing energy efficiency and sustainability in the design and operation of their infrastructure, your company can reduce the environmental impact, lower operating costs, and enhance the overall resilience and reliability. This approach aligns with the growing trend towards green computing and reinforces the importance of responsible resource management.

Ultimately, a resilient and secure infrastructure is essential for ensuring the continued availability, integrity, and confidentiality of data center services in today's digital landscape.

Energy supply and distribuition

By utilizing generators and advanced UPS backup systems for load balancing, you can rely on a consistent power source. This ensures uptime, even during power supply failures, and safeguards production data during critical times.

Cooling systems

Cooling systems are indispensable for the operation of data centers as all IT equipment generates a significant amount of heat. Without a cooling system in place, the equipment's performance can severely decrease or even be entirely compromised.

Fire extinghuinshing

As data centers house sensitive and valuable electronic equipment, the risk of fire can cause significant damage and disruptions to business operations. The use of sophisticated fire suppression systems that utilize non-toxic agents is necessary to ensure the safety of personnel and minimize damage to equipment.

Monitoring System

An advanced monitoring system can assist in averting significant system failures by issuing alerts through multiple means. By monitoring power, network, system, temperature, humidity, and smoke/fire detection, this system can provide early warning of potential failure events, enabling prompt action to prevent or mitigate their impact.


Standardizing Data Center Performance and Infrastructure

The Tier classification system, established by the Uptime Institute, serves to standardize the performance, reliability, and infrastructure requirements of data centers for varying levels of availability. Availability is commonly quantified as a percentage of uptime throughout a year. Tier classifications are typically denoted by the number of nines, representing different levels of reliability. This is because each tier guarantees a specific percentage of uptime, with distinctions made by the digits after the decimal point. The tier designation of a data center determines the amount of potential downtime it could encounter within a given year.

Edgefy: Infraestrutura de TI: tempo máximo de inatividade anual por Tiers em minutos.



Fault Tolerant

Annual uptime: 99,995%

An individual equipment failure or distribution path interruption will not impact operations. A fault tolerant site is also concurrently maintainable.



Concurrently Maintainable

Annual uptime: 99,982%

Each and every capacity component and distribution path in a site can be removed on a planned basis for maintenance or replacement without impacting operations. The site is still exposed to an equipment failure or operator error.



Redundant Capacity Components

Annual uptime: 99,741%

Site-wide shutdowns for maintenance are still required. Capacity failures may impact the site. Distribution failures will impact the site.



Basic capacity

Annual uptime: 99,671%

Site-wide shutdowns are required for maintenance or repair work. Capacity or distribution failures will impact the site.

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