Safe Container

Perfect fit data center for outdoor applications

Offered in three distinct sizes, our Safe Container is certified by accredited institutions, compliant with ABNT 10 636 standards, ensuring comprehensive data protection against various risks. Tailored for outdoor usage, it stands as an ideal solution for safeguarding sensitive information.

Safe Container's modular design

By embracing a modular design, the Safe Container can be effortlessly adjusted and expanded. Every modular component, from the panels to the cooling system, is crafted for seamless integration. This not only simplifies the installation and configuration process but also allows for efficient scalability, enabling the Safe Container to grow alongside the company's needs.

Edgefy: Combine os containers e construa um data center sob medida.

Assemble the containers and build the perfect size data center

Our block building product offers unparalleled flexibility, capable of expanding to accommodate any required size. Whether stacking them to create expansive data centers or relocating them to various sites, our containers adapt seamlessly to your needs.

Setting Edgefy's Containers apart is their integration within a block-building system, facilitating effortless scalability without the constraints of shell construction. This modular design not only ensures versatility and efficiency but also supports specialized and customized configurations tailored to your specific requirements.

Edgefy: Data center em containers empilháveis, proporcionando rápida expansão e flexibilidade incomparável.

Safe Container: Minimizing TCO and TTM

The Safe Container's modular design allows for seamless and scalable expansion, eliminating the necessity for hefty initial investments in oversized infrastructure, thus reducing TCO (Total Cost of Ownership). Furthermore, modularity facilitates swift implementation, streamlining the installation process and cutting down TTM (Time to Market).

up to


reduction in TTM

up to


reduction in TCO

Safe Container: a pre-fabricated product

The Safe Container is pre-fabricated, offering an easy and clean setup on-site with minimal site preparation. Its pre-fabricated design allows for swift installation, reducing downtime and disruptions to ongoing operations. With components precisely engineered off-site, the Safe Container ensures consistency and quality in construction, while also minimizing the need for extensive on-site assembly. This streamlined setup process not only saves time but also reduces costs associated with traditional construction methods. Overall, the pre-fabricated nature of the Safe Container enables efficient deployment, making it an ideal solution for businesses seeking rapid implementation without compromising on security or reliability.

Safe Container: Total and certified protection

Edgefy: Certificada por instituições credenciadas, garantindo uma proteção abrangente dos dados


ABNT NBR 10636

Assured quality

The Safe Container is certified by accredited institutions, compliant with ABNT 10 636 standards, ensuring comprehensive data protection against various risks.

Addressing each risk vector individually is crucial to ensure comprehensive protection. It's important to assess the level of security provided by the Safe Container.


Protection against flames + soak out - 120 min


Protection category IP x6


Protection category IP 6x


Acceptable 150°C


No protection

Unauthorized access:

Resistance class RC3

Corrosive comb. gases:

Total protection


Detonation test with 50kg TNT

Extinguishing water:

Partial protection


No protection

Falling debris:

Partial protection


No protection

Edgefy: onsumo de energia de containers empilháveis em relação ao número de racks - Diferentes capacidades em KW, evidenciando a eficiência e a flexibilidade da infraestrutura de TI.

Our services

Edgefy operates throughout the entire process, from assessing the best solution for the client to conducting risk analyses and facility assessments, all the way through to manufacturing, assembly, installation, and ensuring the solution's warranty.

Risk analysis

Facility analysis

Design and planning

Deployment and activation

All necessary certifications


Contact us

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